Audi-Conta was set up in 1997 to assist and develop specialized services for Companies/Organizations/Institutions.
Audi-Conta is a Chartered Accountants and Consultant Firm, registered in the local Professional Accountancy Body, observing the National, Regional and International Norms regarding the practice of the Profession, and it intervenes in the economic and financial sector, especially in the domain of statutory & legal audit, taxation, consultancy, studies, creation & set up of new Companies, management control, specialized training and computer services.
Here, in summary, some of key offered Services:
1. Statutory and Legal Audit
2. Consultancy & Taxation
3. Studies & Projects
4. Management & Services
5. Accounting
6. Specialized Training
7. Computer Network Services
8. Accounting Software SIG, Olisoft, Leiria,